Flagstaff Underage DUI Lawyer

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Arizona Zero-Tolerance DUI Laws

Arizona is a zero-tolerance state. Zero-tolerance laws make it a criminal DUI offense for drivers under the age of 21 to drive with even a small amount of alcohol in their system.

Penalties For An Underage DUI in Arizona

Underage Driving Under the Influence (DUI) is a class 2 misdemeanor, punishable by the following maximum and minimum penalties:

  1. Jail time = 4 months
  2. Fines = $750 (plus 84% surcharge)
  3. Probation = 2 years
  4. Mandatory 2-year license suspension (with possibility of restricted privileges with installation of interlock device)
  5. Possible alcohol screening and recommended follow-up treatment
  6. Possible DUI Impact Panel
  7. Possible SR22 insurance

Additional Charges

A person found to be drinking underage may also be charged with the following, among others:

  • Minor in Possession
  • Open Container
  • Misdemeanor DUI
  • Fake ID
  • Soliciting Alcohol

Some insurance companies may also terminate or refuse to renew an auto policy after the insured receives an underage DUI. At a bare minimum, most carriers will raise premiums upon conviction.

Contact Flagstaff Underage DUI Lawyer Today

Glazer, Hammond & Smets, PLLC can effectively evaluate the circumstances surrounding your case to create a solid defense that will help you achieve the least severe sentence possible.

Take the time to meet with us and discuss your case. We offer free case consultations to inform you of your options and put your mind at ease.

Glazer, Hammond & Smets, PLLC

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Legal Counsel for Northern Arizona.

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Our Location

Address 508 N. Humphreys St.
Flagstaff, AZ 86001

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